About Nageen Group
The New Way to success. advance. progress.
We have the ability to deliver great outcome with satisfactory results within proper time with high quality work. Nageen Group provides the best mix of education and co-curricular activities.

About Nageen Group
Nageen Group, established in 1965 a centre for research and teaching, aim to create a better world altogether. It typifies integrity, quality performance, perfection, and above all characters. Since 1965, the NG's ever evolving spirit has embraced innovation and challenged the status of competitive world. Our entrepreneurial perspective encourages students, staff and faculty to challenge convention, to lead discovery, and to explore new ways of learning. At NG, bold thinking is given a place to develop into newer ideas that can change the society positively. Nageen Group transcends conventional barriers of business, because we care for the people living around us. We believe it is our duty to facilitate inclusive growth as well.
Nageen Group has experienced significant growth in recent years and now has more than 500 employees, 3000 parents, 100000 empowered educators.
Nageen Group works with schools, education departments, corporates, NGOs, industries and other types of organizations around the world.
Our area of expertise are mentoring students, empowering educators, school consultancy, facilitating educators and research in school sector
The mission of Nageen Group is to create and promote research-based knowledge, products and services that can be used to improve learning across the world.
The Nageen Group is one of India’s leading educational research centres. Our goal is to support learners, learning professionals, learning institutions and the development of a learning society through our work. The NG has built a strong reputation as a provider of reliable support and expertise to educational institutions and professional practitioners since its establishment in 1965. As an independent non-government organization, it functions through developing and distributing products and services, and growth and development of educational institutions. The NG is focussed to develop and support a chain of academic establishments such as schools and colleges to cater to the demand of ever growing population. We create ideas to develop career paths and opportunities for clients, employees and students.

Our Commitement as the Nageen Group
Committed to People.
We endeavour to serve the need of all people, especially our students, teachers, stakeholders, customers and employees, by implementing modern corporate strategies, while carrying out responsible and responsive educational activities. As responsible citizens, we actively contribute to fulfil the goals of society.
Commitment to the future.
By continuous to develop innovative resources focused on the field of School Education, we strive to create products and services that enhance human life, and which lead to a thriving, healthy society. We constantly try and adopt new approaches that can help realize the goals of the world community, including ways to improve the global education.