
Meerut.com is an innovative news channel which combines features of diversified interests to share knowledge and updates to news seekers. It’s a unique platform for students, teachers, businessmen, government officials, political activists, social workers and entrepreneurs seeking information with latest developments in fields of their particular segments such as education, entertainment, politics, movies, international agenda,sports etc. For example if you are visiting Meerut for the first time or you are keen to learn about our city, its heritage, favourite restaurants, hospitals and shopping malls etc. Meerut.com has a futuristic pattern with new additions of latest fashion and ideas being shared with viewers. You can get regular updates of national and international developments in matter of minutes as they occur. Meerut.com site is linked with Facebook to ensure better reach to its followers.
Meerut.com is an evolving news channel as it embraces innovation in its best form by promoting unique sections such as Tangram to enhance intelligent quotient of kids and others alike. Free Online registration section is quite informative segment for parents to learn about finding answers to complex queries such as which school is best suited for their kid.