Strategic Alliance
Strategic Alliance
School of Educators ( SA ) , in a professional manner has taken a zealous initiative to brand, promote , market and perform business development Program with its other services for clients ( company, organizations, institutions dealing in school products / services / offerings ) . The School of Educators ( SA ) offers a platform & tools to suppliers for generating business leads from over 1.2 million schools and 20 million educators, who use the platform to find reliable & competitive suppliers with tons of resources / articles for their empowerment.
School , Colleges , University , Educators and students would have an advantage of browsing / access to latest products from which they could benefit at large. Today when innovations are done everyday in field of education School of Educators ( SA ) bridges the gap between the suppliers and School ,Colleges , University ,Educators and students .

Broad Terms and conditions :
- School of Educators ( SA ) will become a dealer / distributor / franchisee / partner / sales agent in an Strategic alliance and the association will be termed as Strategic partnership between two organizations ( School of Educators ( SA ) and your organization hereafter termed as company ).
- School of Educators ( SA ) will do the branding, marketing to generate sales lead free of cost by
– Email Campaign
– Print advertisements in Printed Journal
– Banner advertisements at strategic locations on all associated Websites
– Brochure
– Tele calling
– Stalls at various fairs ( world book, conferences etc. )
– Mailers etc. - School of Educators ( SA ) will generate the sales inquiry / sales lead / customer requirement and transfer it to the company.
- Company will do all the necessary task to convert the inquiry into business.
- School of Educators ( SA ) does not have manpower and will not deploy manpower to convert sales lead to business, School of Educators ( SA ) will only generate inquiry.
- School of Educators ( SA ) will invest the cost for generating inquiry and the company will not share any amount for it. The investment for inquiry generation may vary from $1 to $50000+.
- Company will also have a dedicated page showcasing its business solutions with graphics, content & logo on http://schoolofeducators.com .
- Company would also be able to showcase their multiple products on SOE product showcase*.
- School of Educators ( SA ) will help and support to identify the genuine customer with the efforts stated in point no. 2.
- School of Educators ( SA ) would charge 5% of the overall revenues generated from the company till the time company does business with the customer. The money have to be paid on monthly basis and School of Educators ( SA ) will in turn continue doing efforts for further branding and generating more sales leads to have good customers for the company.
- School of Educators ( SA ) will also take 5% revenue collected from the franchisor till the franchisee identified by School of Educators ( SA ) will do business with them. The money would be paid to School of Educators ( SA )School of Educators ( SA ) on monthly basis.
- The registration amount to stare the services is Rs. 5000/- ( $ 100 ) to be paid with filling and signing of registration form and agreement.
Who can benefit :

- Book Publishers
- Teacher trainers
- Franchisor seeking franchisee
- School suppliers
- e content / Digital developers
- tutoring services
- Workshop and conference organizers
- Software company
- IT companies
- Award organizers
- University and colleges
- Placement consultants
- Consultants in education
- career, skill, student Assessment company
- Smart-boards, Computer , IT hardware selling company / manufacturer
- Abacus, vedic maths, mental maths, robotic etc. hobby / vocational courses organizing company
- Food joints in school / college / university
- Training institutes, coaching institutes
- Travel and tours organizers / student exchange providers
- furniture suppliers
- uniform and dress vendors
- Sports items manufacturers and suppliers
- Company expanding in chain of schools / play schools
- Lab equipment suppliers
- Playground suppliers
- Educational toys suppliers
- Promotional gifts / memento suppliers
- Musical instrument suppliers
- Courier agencies
- Counseling services
- curriculum suppliers
- Banks
- Vocational and Skill Development Company
- Distance Education University
- Architects and interior designers etc. interested in educational institutions and students.
Existing partners :
We have successfully helped the following alliance partners achieve sales in ranging from 100-2000 schools / colleges / university / educators covering millions of students.