CIS Education Summit and SOE Global Education Awards 2019
CIS Education Summit and SOE Global Education Awards 2019
(October 12 2019)
Theme : Challenges Faced by schools and education sector
All India Conference of Intellectuals (AICOI) , School of Educators (SOE) and Confederation of Independent Schools invite you to participate in ‘CIS Education Summit and SOE Global Education Awards 2019 ’. The theme of the Conference is ‘Challenges Faced by schools and education sector’. The main aim of the Conference is to discuss and debate on the threats being faced by schools and education sector by Central and state governments including educational boards and NCERT. The Conference is expected to be a congregation of educationists, educators, social scientists, experts from fields, policy makers, practitioners, researchers and social workers to deliberate different perspectives of education in the context of the changing world.

Conference Theme: : “Challenges Faced by schools and education sector”
- National Education Policy:
- The future of schools in India
- Its impact on School Education
- 21st Century Schools: Threats & Challenges in Education
- What policy makers think about UP Transport Act , State Recognition , CBSE Affiliation bye laws , Fee regulation act, RTE Act
- India : the road ahead for 21st
- The roadmap
Panel discussions :Talks by Speakers
Awards :Felicitation Guests
Felicitation :CIS Executive Body
Social Contribution Awards :Management
Academic Excellence Awards :Principals
Call for Papers:
Papers are invited on any of the sub-themes either in English or Hindi. The list of sub-themes is only suggestive. All the themes that fall within the broad category of main theme would be acceptable. Abstract of the paper should be about approximately of 200 words. The abstract must give the sense of the uniqueness of the paper and the theoretical or empirical or analytical grounding of the theme chosen for presentation. Participants are requested to present original papers in the conference. Peer-review process will be followed for the selection of papers for presentation.
Guidelines for writing Full-Paper
- Articles must be original and not published anywhere earlier.
- Full-paper should be sent in electronic forms- both through Email and CD. Email address is mentioned below. Soft-copy versions of papers are essential for screening.
- Full-paper should be in the range of 3000 to 6000 words, which means about 10-15 pages in 1.5 line spaced A4 size entry of the text. Full-paper should not be more than 6000 words. The word limit is inclusive of all notes, references, tables, annexure and appendices. Articles should be prepared in MS-Word format, Font : Times New Roman, Font size 12. PDF versions will not be accepted.
- Referencing style: Full-paper should carry a separate list of References at the end of the paper. The reference should be cited in the text in a consistent style. Reference must follow the APA style.
- Three hard copies of full paper and a CD must be sent to the below mentioned address.
- Full-paper must be sent on email awards@nageen.com
Address for sending Abstract and Full-Paper by post:
School of Educators
C/O Atam Enterprises
B-162, 2nd Floor, DDA Shed,
Okhla Industrial Area. Phase-1.
New Delhi-110020
Tel: 011-40527676 , +919520811111
Important Dates to Remember:
- Last date of abstract submission: September, 15 2019
- Last date of acceptance of the abstract: September 22 2019
- Last date of full-paper submission: September 30, 2019
- Conference date: October, 12, 2019
- Last date of abstract submission: October, 25 2019
- Last date of acceptance of the abstract: October, 30 2019
- Last date of full-paper submission: October, 30 2019
- Conference date: November, 09 2019
The organizers may not be able to entertain any requests received after the deadlines.
The selected papers would be printed in the souvenir and published in School of Educators Journal.