Quality & Innovation Wing

Quality & Innovation Wing
Quality & Innovation Wing of Nageen group of schools, provides
quality and support to its branches, teachers, its parents, and
students of all ages from classes KG through XII.
Nageen group of school has an Quality & Innovations
Department, equipped with a dedicated staff who constantly
research, innovate, develop, and adapt new teaching techniques.
They study alternative methods and trends and innovations in
education worldwide. These methods and means are continually
researched, tested, improved and applied. New teaching materials
are also prepared. The Innovation Wing plays, therefore, a stellar
role in pursuing the vision of Nageen group making every child
good and smart. In addition, this department has developed many
tools for supporting a child´s development in all aspects: body,
mind, heart and spirit through innovations in all fields academic,
social, extra-curricular, physical, emotional and spiritual.
The Wing Members visit the all branches of Nageen group of
schools, and observe and suggest best practices to be followed and
test new ideas. They also study best methods in schools in India and
abroad and invite worldwide expertise to the school to train teachers
and update them in the latest on the teaching/learning processes.
Quality & Innovation Wing of Nageen group of schools sees its
role in five main dimensions:
- In service training and re-training of teachers and most importantly, encouraging them, empowering them and creating in them intrinsic motivation.
- Supervision of teacher work and follow-up based on laid out standards.
- Creating vision that leads to focus on the individual child's success and recognition that every child is a gem.
- Setting of quality assessments and standards for all classes from KG to XII.
- Career Counselling:
- Choosing The Right Stream After 10th about stream selection.
- Career Guidance For 11th & 12th Students about which college they should opt and process.
- In service training and re-training of teachers encourages and empowers them and creates in them intrinsic motivation to do their best for each child.
- Supervision of teacher work and follow-up is based on standards that are jointly discussed.
- Support leads to focus on the individual child and his success, with recognition that every child is special.
Teachers, Parents & Students are welcome to approach the Innovation Wing for any help related to the educational well-being of their children. This would include any and all queries including clarity on the syllabus, assessment systems , project work & cocurricular activities, for example. We also welcome parents´ suggestions for improvement and have recently set up a parents´ suggestions box at the Innovation Wing, Nageen Group, City Office W.K Road.