What do you say
What Educator’s Say
Respected sir
The orientation program by Mr Vishal Jain sir was a learning session where he had highlighted on the following points:
1. Learning pyramid: Retention of learning can be done at its best if the simple lecture method is clubbed with demonstration, usage of audio visual, quoting a live practical example.
2.Vishal sir also threw a light on 21st century's learning aspects which have 4C's of learning namely the role of an educator as collaborator, communicator.
3. Sir also highlighted on an effective designing of lesson plans with aim, approach, applications and assignment.
Respected sir,
This was my 1st head meet experience was good, I came to know many thing during this section. Best part was that we have coordinated with other zonal heads and shared how we can do our best and implement new things in better way. Lesson plain section by Mr Vishal Jain jain sir was too good it will help us and our teachers to prepare the subject very well, it will able us to cross the limit of thinking.By lesson plan only the chapter will be clear and we don't have to refer the text book ,we can present the lesson in innovative way.
Respected Sir,
On the occasion of 10th National Heads Meet 2017, held at V.V. School Bilaspur, a knowledgeable and informative session was taken by Mr. Vishal Jain on day 2 (02/07/17). the session comprised of details about method and process of writing a lesson plan. the contents included aims, objective , questions and assignments included in the lesson plan. overall the session was a brain storming one.
The lesson plan which was discussed during the 10th National Heads Meet at Bilaspur by Mr. Vishal Jain was good. In my personal opinion it is more informative, effective in teaching and interesting. I have personally used the same lesson plan for few years in my carrier and found it useful in class room teaching. Specially the objective part, learning outcome and application part helps the teacher to design the lesson in best way and analysis part helps to find out the remedial to be taken if required and its kind. It is very much useful in designing the questioners as well for preparing the students for examination.
Dear Mr Vishal,
Thanks for your good wishes. You are really doing a wonderful job. I feel that you should get the national award for your contribution in the field of education. I am getting in touch with people to have their support.
Dear Mr.Jain,
Happy Teachers Day To you ‘The educator of the Teachers’ and a special thanks to you for the service that you are doing to the educators.
Dear Mr. Jain,
Thank you for your continued assistance to enhance teaching. I do keep sharing these inputs with the teachers. It would be nice to meet you sometime!
Thanks ever so much, Vishal.
You never stop and that is great!!! It has been wonderful meeting with you after so much communication from your side. It is indeed a privilege for me to sit beside you at the sessions and watch you “operate.” Every success and blessing. Just keep at it no matter what!
Dear Vishal,
I am proud to say that I am having a company of good people. They always welcome new ideas. They never kills any ideas.I have recently attended a training programme in IIM Kolkota on management of creativity and innovation. there we discussed on issues like this. I am very thankful to you in dealing with this without any fees.Thank you very much. With regards,
Dear Mr.Vishal Jain,
Thanks a lot for sending the mails.I do enjoy going through your mail. Thanks once again for taking pains to upload these informations for our sake.I do share these informative articles to the teaching faculty during our teacher orientation Programmes and our regular staff meetings. Just to introduce myself – I am Mrs. Renka N.M enon,Principal, Bhavan’s Vidya Mandir, Eroor, Kochi
I bow to my eguru for enlighting me. I feel like Mr. Vishal Jain is holding my hands and taking me smoothly into the world of education
Thank you very much for enriching us every day and taking us to the wolrd of education. Thank you sir. I would like to donate to your organisation which is helping us grow intellectually.Your service to teaching community is marvellous.As i cannot do e-transfer i would send D.D amount worth to my capacity.kindly it may please be accepted.I will try to send it in a month or so.sir i don’t find words to express my gratitude to my honorable guru whom i haven’t met so for.i would say i am Ekalvya learning a lot from you a lot.Thank you sir.
I am taking this opportunity to convey regards & best wishes on the auspicious occassion of holi. A HAPPY HOLI. This is not the knowledge but complete wisdom which you are spreading around. THANKS & GRATEFUL for your consistent effort.
Hi Mr. Vishal Jain,
Thank you for all the inspirational and informative mails. You are really an amazing person! You are the true ‘Guru’ of the Indian tradition. your mails are lighting millions of lamp every day. May God Lord bless you with knowledge and prosperity for continuous your great work dedicated to educators and millions of thirsty learners.
Dear Vishal Jain,
I think it is the right time for me to thank you sincerely on behalf of all our staff and students for your noble work in helping thousands of educators to overcome misconceptions of learning.Personally, I visit your website regularly and download all the useful informations and relay them to my colleagues. I find your website very resourceful and appropriate to me as an educator cum administrator. So let me thank you from the dept of my heart and wish you and your loved onse a meaningful happiness. Dear Vishal Jain, I think it is the right time for me to thank you sincerely on behalf of all our staff and students for your noble work in helping thousands of educators to overcome misconceptions of learning. Personally, I visit your website regularly and download all the useful informations and relay them to my colleagues. I find your website very resourceful and appropriate to me as an educator cum administrator. So let me thank you from the dept of my heart and wish you and your loved onse a meaningful happiness.
Dear Mr Vishal Jain
This is to thank you for all the wonderful emails I have been receiving from you on various topics on education. I have been in this field for the last thirty odd years. I love children and i love my proffession. I love writing and reading too. May be that is why i am still at it. I have enjoyed reading every article that you have sent me. Very often in life we enjoy everything and forget to say “Thank You”. This “Thank You” comes from my heart….. before it is too late to acknowledge my gratitude.wish you A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a BRIGHT,PEACEFUL and HAPPY NEW YEAR
Venerated Sir,
I really rejoice this oppertunity to inform you that I have learnt so many things after reading your brilliant and thought provoking aricles.I am a teacher in English .All your articles are trully encouraging .The speech of missile man has an undying impact on my mind. I have taken internet connection to access your mail. Iwould be indebted if you kindly forward all informitive and imporant data to my mail on regular bassis. please. I am looking forward to receiving valuable facts and matter from you in regards of modern teaching.
Dear sir,
I would like to appreciate the noble dedication of yours for the good cause of education. Though I serve the school as the principal, I feel your service is greater than mine. May god bless you with all his showers of blessings and make your service greater to the whole world. I specially thank you for publishing the speech of a noble soul living during our time who remains one of the inspirations for me such people. Hail your service. Hats off to your institution.
One of the most useful and worthy site I have ever visited. Every article is interesting and useful. Thanks a lot.. Wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart
Dear Mr Vishal Jain
I have been receiving your articles on education processes and methods. Though your articles are meant for school educators some of the articles are really interesting even for our teachers of engineering & technology. Your article on ‘Encouraging class participation’ is really good and I used to practice it when I was in teaching. Even now I advise my teachers to adopt such teaching methods.
Dear Mr. Vishal,
Your missionary zeal for promotioon of education in tune with current trend deserves special appreciation .I appreciate your indomitable will and the true spirit for the great cause. Thanks and regards Heartiest greetings for happy and prosperous deepawali !
Dear Vishal,
I have been receiving your wounderful & highly educative mails for quite sometime now but missed a chance to express my regards to you.
Dear Vishal
It has always been a pleasure reading your informative mails and most of the time I feel happy as most of the things like encouraging classroom participation etc has been a part and parcel of my teaching. It has certainly made the class receptive ,interactive and ofcourse encouraging low -achievers and somewhat shy students do comeup with responses Thankyou for sharing your views.
Dear Sir,
This is really a great site for everyone. I feel it exciting and really enjoyed every sub item made on the website. The duties and responsibilities of teachers, administrators etc. looks very interesting. However, if i have to become a part of this program how can i help you? Please, let me know if i can be helpful to you by anyway, Thanking you,
The effort by you is excellent. The attitude is great. I do visit the website once in a week. Thanks and may your nobel efforts be ever blessed by the almighty
Dear Vishal Jain and your marvelous group members… I am amazed at the amount you have shared for the education fraternity.. as educationalists i very much wanted to join your group in the contribution.. if you could enroll lecturers,professors,retired or working in every field of education then individuals need to just browse your website to keep updating and learning in their own fields how immense .. is your contribution to the ever growing field..and technology has proved in right in your team good and exceptional effort.. I am a lecturer of commerce faculty and proud to read each day more and more.. keep it up and all the best in your breathtaking website..
Dear Mr Vishal,
It was a very pleasant moment for me to meet the person who had created the School of Educators.com, and it was still more moving to note that he is ready to do such great service to the teaching community by getting all the information related to the running of a good school, absolutely free of cost. I am ready to offer my help to you in this immense work and please feel free to email any request for any help that I will be able to do for you. Congratulations once again from my side and a big thank you for all the material you are providing to all the educators.
Dear Vishal Jain I feel very glade to see your web site buze the content of the web is very importent for day to day life & it helps to refresh what we study in college & in B.Ed.
Dear Vshal,
Congratulation for having inspired the teaching community with such wonderful ideas.In fact it is pleasing to see that the real good ideas of education are being put for the action through your informative e-mails regularly. I will appreciate if could let me know your contact so that some thing can be planned for my staff for practically learning such wonderful ideas for implementation in day to day teaching.
Dear Vishal
I must complement you for all the effort and pains taken to compile information and share with all of us. You have shown the school fraternity that there is so much to know and learn. Keep sharing the information it is very informative. Good wishes
Hi One day I was simply browsing net I dont know what was I looking for. But all of sudden your website appeared in picture.Oh my God such a powerful resource it is for educators community.Really u r doing marvellous job.I wonder being a principal how can u spare time for all these things and that too so updated.How do u work as a team? Anyways congratulations.excellent work going on. MY HEARTIEST BEST WISHES FOR U
Dear vishal,
You are doing a great job. We get very valuable information from your web site. we have introduced your site to our all teachers. I hope they will take advantage of your website in their teaching. we wish you all the best .I feel directly or indirectly it is every teachers duty to join your mission and contribute. Congratulation and Thanks a ton for taking this great step….Salute to your deep passion……
Dear vishal,
You are doing a great job. We get very valuable information from your web site. we have introduced your site to our all teachers. I hope they will take advantage of your website in their teaching. we wish you all the best .I feel directly or indirectly it is every teachers duty to join your mission and contribute. Congratulation and Thanks a ton for taking this great step….Salute to your deep passion……
Dear Vishal Jain, Really,
an outstanding site for teachers. You have done an excellent job by bringing together everything that present day educators need.My congratulations! Wish you all the best for your future endeavors. Warm Regards
Hi, Atanu here,
serving as Assistant House Master and a Maths teacher in The Scindia School,Fort , Gwalior.Many congrats for a commendable work and keep me such valyable matter in future also so that I can enhance my growth. Thanks.
Dear Mr. Vishal,
You are really doing a good job. Indeed the teachers should be empowered more and more. To be true, the teachers community in our society is facing a great difficulty now. Society expects a lot from the teachers. But very few think in terms of encouraging and empowering the teachers. The result is that day by day the young people are getting demoralised so much that they are losing the missionary zeal to work as a teacher and consequently the schools are suffering a lot due to scarcity of teachers. At this situation your endeavour is no doubt praiseworthy. Do keep it up please.Dear Mr. Vishal, You are really doing a good job. Indeed the teachers should be empowered more and more. To be true, the teachers community in our society is facing a great difficulty now. Society expects a lot from the teachers. But very few think in terms of encouraging and empowering the teachers. The result is that day by day the young people are getting demoralised so much that they are losing the missionary zeal to work as a teacher and consequently the schools are suffering a lot due to scarcity of teachers. At this situation your endeavour is no doubt praiseworthy. Do keep it up please.
Dear Vishal Saab,
There is no words to expalin your efforts, U r absolutly right that we the like minded people have to much more to inproove the education.
Dear Vishal,
I have been going thru your mails for past many weeks and very keenly reading and taking info from the website of schooleducators. I am curious to know how are you doing it all . I was very apprehensive to respond till now and was just reading the material being sent by you. Now, I think its time to voice my appreciation and let you know that I have personally learnt a lot thru the chk lists, info on ADHD, and so many other useful links. I would like to use Rubriks for the assessments and look forward to more inputs and if possible some formal/informal training for my faculty members for better understanding. Please let me know more about your team and lets make a difference in the way our children will learn in times to come Take care. My personal best wishes to you for the good work
Dear Vishal ji,
Very glad to hear from you. It is a brilliant resource you have put together which I just quickly reviewed on your website schoolofeducators.com. So glad to be in touch with a person of deep passion in education. Dear Vishal ji, Very glad to hear from you. It is a brilliant resource you have put together which I just quickly reviewed on your website schoolofeducators.com. So glad to be in touch with a person of deep passion in education.
Respected madam Bindu Sharma
It is a nice article about ’perfect school’. It really helps any teacher to make up their mind on the your mentioned points before enterignthe class. kindly mail such more no of articles. Thank you
Dear Mr. Jain,
Let me begin by congratulating you on having created one of the ‘biggest online collection for educators’! It is really commendable; more so the spirit with which you want to share it with all and make a difference in the field of education! Please keep up the good work. Thanking you with best regards,
Dear Sir,
I have gone through the materials you sent and I noticed that they are very thougt-provoking for the principals and teachers. I wish that you continue to give good suggestions and methods to make teaching enjoyable and enriching. Yours Sincerely,
Hi vishal,
Had a look at the contents of the website. excellent job, man! keep it up! looking fwd to see the elaborate form of it. thanx. bye for now
I checked ur website n i am so impressed as it is complete encylopedia for educators i congratulate u for having this vision n putting ur immense efforts to turn this into reality. GUD! KEEP IT UP. We all(educators ) will be benefitted from this. looking forward to login on schoolofeducators.com Stay in touch Regards
Dear Vishal,
Thankyou for remembering.You are really a young energetic technocrat.May God provide you unlimited success in your new endeavour. With regards,
Dear Sir
Thanks for your mail, to be very frankly and being as an educationist i can say that you people have prepared each and every thing so nice and most appreciable. once again my heartiest congratulation to you and your team pl keep it up, feel free to write me if any service for me HEARTIEST CONGRATULATION FOR EXCELLENCY IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION With Regards, Dear Sir Thanks for your mail, to be very frankly and being as an educationist i can say that you people have prepared each and every thing so nice and most appreciable. once again my heartiest congratulation to you and your team pl keep it up, feel free to write me if any service for me HEARTIEST CONGRATULATION FOR EXCELLENCY IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION With Regards,
Dear Vishal,
Thank you very much for the informative and inspiring lines. I went through your site. Good Congratulations. It is worth having such a site. I did not know about it. I visit it these. I have down loaded a few items. I hope you do not mind. Please continue to do the good work. Actually I do not know you….. what you do….etc…. May be you had written to me… ..something… any way thanks a lot With lots of prayers and wishes Yours affectionately Dear Vishal, Thank you very much for the informative and inspiring lines. I went through your site. Good Congratulations. It is worth having such a site. I did not know about it. I visit it these. I have down loaded a few items. I hope you do not mind. Please continue to do the good work. Actually I do not know you….. what you do….etc…. May be you had written to me… ..something… any way thanks a lot With lots of prayers and wishes Yours affectionately
This is a wonderful site for educators and administrators, having all the resources, which were probably not available so freely. this site is in fact a great tool for progressive teaching community to have any and every resource concerned to have a modern state of art teaching pattern. Wish you and your team a goodluck for this wonderful job. Thanks & Regards, This is a wonderful site for educators and administrators, having all the resources, which were probably not available so freely. this site is in fact a great tool for progressive teaching community to have any and every resource concerned to have a modern state of art teaching pattern. Wish you and your team a goodluck for this wonderful job. Thanks & Regards,
I am accessing your site “schoolofeducators.com”. It is very good attempt for the teachers knowledge. So thank full for this new idea with regards.
Hello Mr. Jain
I am Maheshwari Natarajan from Vidya mandir Senior Secondary School, Chennai. I have been visiting your site often and am very impressed with the content and ease of access of key areas. The articles posted are quite informative. All the very best for this venture.
I have received your presentions and i really appreciate your work,.i thank you for sending me these presentations and i think that these presentation of yours must bring change in educational system.keep in touch with me. thanks
Dear Vishal,
Thank you for sending me valuable data. I hope i will be able to use it in my curricullum. I send you and your staff ,greetings for Independence Day. Hope together we make, India a great nation. With Best Wishes
Teachers Talk's
Great working atmosphere and a good team work is what one expects from an institution.
SNVP is the institution cum family which gives both the things in a proper manner. Working here is a privilege for me. As an educationist I would say that this is one of the finest schools I have come across, focusing on the overall development of a child. With studies, a child is taught the important aspect of life, which is rarely seen in any other school.
Working here is altogether a different experience, teaching and learning simultaneously helped me to grow under the perfect mentors.
Love being the part of SNVP, imparting knowledge to the blooming buds is an awesome feeling.
School is a critical part of preparing the children for the future, and their voices are an essential addition to the national debate on education. At scholastic, Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth works daily with teachers and SNVP knows that SNVP has powerful ideas on how best to tackle the challenges. Since teachers are the frontline of delivering education in the classroom, the reform movement will not succeed without their active support.
Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth is a step in ensuring that teacher's voices are a part of this important conversation. Teachers see a need for stronger curriculum that relates to the real world, clear academic standards from grade to grade and reliable data on student learning. Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth group of schools have such strong curriculum that relates to the real world.
What Student’s Say
Life and education at SNVP has been a breathtaking experience. It is a second home to me. All my teachers and mentors have been a great and strong support to me. All the childhood memories from ABC to Managerial (Manage every bit of life) is deep inside and will always be cherished.
SNVP is an inseparable part of my life for lifetime the confidence, knowledge, faith and the leadership quality the school has given me, no other school can give. I’m thankful to my parents even to put me in SNVP and give me a bright future.
I forget how strange my school sounds to the rest of the world until I leave it. On a card at the front desk inside a college admissions building, I am told to write the name of my high school. The full name, "Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Mawana Road Meerut", does not fit on the dotted line and I have to draw an arrow to the back of the card and write the rest there. When I say my school’s name out loud to family members, it sounds prestigious, almost regal. But on the first day of school here it is made clear that I was chosen based on potential and not necessarily talent. Presently, I am studying here at California State University, Hayward California USA and I am pursuing my bachelor’s degree here.
I definitely made some major changes to my study habits in class XII. First, any reading required in class XII for homework was covered thoroughly the next day in the class. Therefore, I became diligent in my reading, making sure that whenever possible, I would be where I needed to be. Second, the use of outside resources other than the texts required for class have become increasingly important. I have spent many hours using online databases, library resources, etc. in completing assignments while in class X, I could simply rely upon the sources given to me by my teacher.
What Parent’s Say
My Daughter at SNVP is not just happy but she is blossoming in every way. She is more confident and amazing studying here. You know what a big decision it was for us.... well I haven’t looked back.
I was really impressed with the awesome atmosphere in the school and the way in which it transformed into not just a centre of learning but a central point for the whole community.
With the day to day activities of the school my daughter has improved a lot. With the support of the school my daughter’s ability of facing situations has increased now. By seeing the facilities provided by the school ,I feel proud to myself that my daughter is a part of this school.
Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth is such a wonderful school that has defined my child a lot. This school has boosted my daughter’s confidence to such an extent. Now SNVP is a part of my family.